Dineka Me Nadi Theere Chords
Clarence Wijewardana
Last Played 25/03/2025 05:06
Play Count 5176 Contributor: Dinesh Wajirage
Play Count 5176 Contributor: Dinesh Wajirage
View +60 more Clarence Wijewardana Chords
Chord Diagrams for 'Dineka Me Nadi Theere' song:
[Intro / ] ----------------------- |F |- |- |Bb | |- |C |- |F | |F |- |F7 |Bb | |- |C |- |F | [Chorus] ----------------------- F C Dineka me nadi thire denetha hamuwela Bb F C F Pipunu a sina dase kadulu boda wela [Verse 1] ------------------------ F F7 Bb Sihina mawathe pakara pathum bidahela C F Sithata wedana di thawa sithak wirahila [verse 2] ----------------------- F F7 Bb Obata ma epa we yana namuth wenwela C F Noyai ma pathu e ruwa sithin gilihila
60 More Songs by Clarence Wijewardana:
Dineka Me Nadi Theere Lyrics:

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